
Monday, July 30, 2018

I Don't Like Coughing

“I’ve been hacking up stuff for a couple days, and it’s turning green.”

“It sounds like the virus that’s going around,” I said. “It’ll last three or four or five or six more days. Medical science doesn’t do anything dramatic.”

“At home I’d tough it out. But I have meetings all week, and I need something to knock it out. When can you get here?”

If you read this blog you know my heart sinks when I hear “I need something to knock it out….” It guarantees an unsatisfying visit. Either the guest will feel resentful if he doesn’t get an antibiotic, or I’ll give an antibiotic (if it seems like he’ll blow his top, and sometimes I’m too slow), and I’ll leave hating myself.

Now, readers, you’re probably thinking: “Yes, isn’t it disgraceful that doctors give useless antibiotics so often that patients expect them. But sometimes you need an antibiotic. How can you tell?...”  The answer is so surprising that you and your doctor may not believe it. In an otherwise healthy person (infants and the elderly excepted) the only common disease with a cough that antibiotics cure is pneumonia. Everything else is a virus. my opinion (my lawyer insisted I add that).