
Monday, December 18, 2017

Looking for Help

“Your blog is funny, and you’ve got a great thing going with hotels. I wonder if we can work together.”

The caller was a young doctor who explained that he was starting a concierge practice and needed someone to cover when he was away. Naturally, he was available to cover for me.

I’m always looking for help. Hotel doctors keep each other at arm’s length because, while it’s considered unethical to solicit another doctor’s patients, soliciting a hotel is just business, and I don’t want them setting foot in mine.

We met at a local restaurant. He did most of the talking, describing the superb service he provided. As you may know, concierge doctors accept no insurance. In exchange for a large retainer or other cash arrangement, they provide enhanced care: immediate availability, leisurely office visits, 24 hour phone service, and house calls. House calls cost extra, and none of this money covers tests, x-rays, specialists, and hospitalization, so it’s a service aimed at the wealthy.

As it happened I planned to see a Dodger game with my brothers that weekend, July 4. The colleague who covers was attending a wedding and warned that he might have trouble getting away. I decided to give the concierge doctor a chance.

I usually call-forward my number to my colleague, but he knows how to deal with hotel guests, so I didn’t. The phone rang as we were driving to the stadium. A child was suffering a severe cough and fever. The mother wanted a visit as soon as possible. I called the concierge doctor.

“They’re in Hawthorne,” I explained. “It’s far, so I quoted three hundred dollars.”

He sounded shocked “Doctor Oppenheim! It’s a holiday!”

“Right,” I said. “No freeway traffic.”

“Doctors don’t work on holidays. Patients understand that. They know they have to pay extra.”

“And that would be…?”

“My patients pay six hundred dollars.”

“That’s not in the cards. Do you want to make the visit or not?”

“Of course, I do. But I’m celebrating the holiday with my family like everyone else. I have to earn a reasonable fee if I get called away. Patients don’t object.”

“I’ll take care of this another way.” I hung up, furious, and then  phoned the patient’s mother. The child didn’t seem dangerously ill, and she was willing to wait a few hours. That solved the immediate problem but ruined the evening because I worried about a catastrophe occurring while I indulged my frivolous love of baseball. When I phoned after the game, the child was sleeping, and the mother wanted to wait until morning. It turned out he had a routine cold.

I’m still looking for help. 

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