
Showing posts with label funny bone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny bone. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sometimes This Job is a Snap

I saw a man at the Hollywood Roosevelt with a numb arm. That’s an odd complaint but unlikely to represent something serious in a 26 year-old.

He had fallen asleep on the plane, resting his head on his palm with an elbow on the arm rest. On awakening he felt numbness down his forearm. This was easy.

The ulnar nerve that supplies the hand passes under your medial epicondyle, the knob you can feel inside your elbow. It’s a poor design because the nerve is exposed. Hitting it produces tingling down your arm to the little finger. It’s the “funny bone.”

Cab drivers who spend the day with one arm resting on the door often suffer the same symptom. Once they change position, the discomfort disappears in a few days.