
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Be Careful What You Ask For

“Could you come and give me some penicillin?”

Uh oh.  

The guest had a sore throat. He was fifty years-old. The only throat infection that antibiotics cure is strep, largely a disease of children and adolescents. Strep in a fifty year-old is so rare that I’ve never seen a case.

Doctors who prescribe unnecessary antibiotics claim that patients “demand” them. In fact, after I’ve seen these patients, ninety percent are perfectly happy with good medical care. About ten percent seem puzzled but remember their manners. Only a tiny minority give me a hard time.

But a tiny minority of a minority does not equal zero. Over thirty years, plenty of patients have lost their temper or (in the case of women) burst into tears. While not as mortifying as being sued for malpractice, it’s in the ballpark.

Unlike doctors in an office, I have the advantage of a phone conversation before seeing the patient. If a guest hints that he requires an antibiotic, I discuss his symptoms, suggest that antibiotics might or might not work, and try to gauge the likelihood that he won’t take no for an answer.

In this case, the guest seemed particularly assertive. I didn’t want to take the risk, so I referred him to a local walk-in clinic where he’ll probably get his penicillin.

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