
Showing posts with label nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nutrition. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Amazing Facts on Nutrition, Part 2

Here are questions I often hear often.

“How can I make sure my diet is nourishing?”

Answer:  “Eat a variety of food. By consuming a good mixture of vegetables, fruits, grains, proteins, and dairy products, you’ll get everything you need.”

“How will I know if I’m missing something?  For example, how can I get enough riboflavin?  What foods have riboflavin?”

Answer:  “I don’t know.”

“You’re a doctor, and you don’t know the foods with riboflavin?”

Answer:  “I could look it up. It’s not important. Eating a variety is important.”

“I haven’t had much energy lately. Is it because I’m not eating right?”

Answer:  “Probably not.”

What should you do first if you're anemic?

Answer:  Find out where you’re bleeding. The most common anemia is the result of blood loss.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Amazing Facts on Nutrition

Although a third of the world would be better off on the typical American diet, it’s not ideal, but the defects are not what you believe.

What should you worry about?

Protein?  Not a problem.  Most adults consume more than they need. There’s no advantage to a high protein diet but not much harm either. Your body will use as much as it needs and turn the rest into fat.

Carbohydrates?  Americans should eat more. They’re high in roughage.  Americans need more roughage.

Fats?  Fat is OK. Vegetable fat is probably better than animal fat for lowering your cholesterol. Dieters should be careful about choosing low fat foods. They’re not necessarily low in calories; in fact, manufacturers add sugar to make them taste better.  

Sugar?  Americans consider sugar sinful. Like sin, it’s probably not good for you. Sugar certainly contributes to obesity and tooth decay but doesn’t cause serious diseases such as diabetes or heart attacks.

Preservatives?  They may do more good than harm. In poor countries a leading killer of children is diarrhea, often from spoiled food. This was also true in the U.S. during the nineteenth century. Refrigeration and canning makes this less of a problem today, but considering how careless we are storing and preparing food, preservatives still prevent disease.